Top 10 Largest Cat Breeds | Pet Parenting (2024)

Unlike dogs, size is usually not one of the main factors people consider when adopting a cat. The average cat size is around 10 lbs. (4.54 kg), with a height between 9 and 10 inches (23-25 cm). But as many feline lovers are well aware, there’s a lot of variation across the spectrum.

Kitties come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, and some breeds are known for being significantly larger than others. Let’s take a look at the largest cat breeds known to man!

Looking for a giant fur beast to join the family? Even cats of the same breed can vary greatly in size, so it’s important to accept your kitty for however big (or little) they grow. But on average, these 10 cats have the most to love.

Weight average: 11-25 lbs. (4.99-11.34 kg)

If there’s one thing most people know about the Maine coon, it’s that it is one large cat. This friendly fluff monster is regarded as the world’s largest domestic cat breed and is believed to have evolved in North America from European cats that hitched a ride with early explorers. The average Maine coon reaches a height between 9.8 and 16.1 inches (25 to 41 cm) tall.

*Fun fact: In 1895, a Maine coon named Cosey was crowned the winner of the first-ever major cat show held in North America.

2. Savannah

Weight average:12-25 lbs (5.44-11.34 kg)

Top 10 Largest Cat Breeds | Pet Parenting (1)

Is that a cheetah cub in your living room? No, it’s the savannah cat! And while it may look like a small cheetah, this unique breed is actually a cross between domestic cats and theAfrican serval, a medium-sized wild cat with large, pointed ears and a beautiful spotted coat. Because of this, many savannah cats are noticeably larger than most other domestic breeds.

*Fun fact: If you see “F1” through “F3” while looking at savannah cats, it’s an indicator of how far removed from theirAfrican serval African serval heritagethey are. Purebred savannahs are three or more consecutive generations removed, and they are typically on the smaller side for the breed.

3. Norwegian Forest Cat

Weight average:12-16 lbs. (5.44-7.26 kg)

Top 10 Largest Cat Breeds | Pet Parenting (2)

Norwegian forest cats are believed to share a common ancestor with Maine coons, so it’s no surprise that they too are on the list of biggest cats. This massive kitty typically reaches a height between 9 and 12 inches (22.86 to 30.48 cm) when full grown. It is also very fluffy in appearance (more so than the Maine coon), which can make it look even larger.

*Fun fact: Norse mythology has it that these cats were the favorite animal of the goddess Freyja, who enjoyed traveling around in a chariot pulled by them. These cats were said to have been so large that mighty Thor himself could not lift them.

4. Ragdoll

Weight average:10-20 lbs. (4.54-9.07 kg)

Top 10 Largest Cat Breeds | Pet Parenting (3)

Ragdolls are famously calm and affectionate kitties that generally look like fluffy Siamese cats. Only they’re considerably larger. The average adult ragdoll grows to be 9.1 to 11 inches (23 to 28 cm) in height and has a sturdy, strong-looking appearance. For perspective, the Siamese usually only reaches a maximum of 9.8 inches (24.9 cm) tall and around 10 lbs. As far as heavyweights go, the ragdoll wins!

*Fun fact: Though not all do, these cats are known for going limp when picked up, hence the name “ragdoll.”

5. Ragamuffin

Weight average:10-20 lbs. (4.54-9.07 kg)

Top 10 Largest Cat Breeds | Pet Parenting (4)

Ragamuffin cats are similar to ragdolls in that they’re fluffy, large, and like to flop in their owners’ arms. They even grow to be around the same size (ragamuffins generally reach around 10 inches or 25.4 cm in height). But one of the biggest differences between these two big kitty breeds is that the ragamuffin comes in a much wider range of colors. From vivid orange to snowy white and just about everything in between, the “teddy bear of cats” is a cuddly friend with a lot of potential for variation.

*Fun fact: The ragamuffin was once considered to be the same as a ragdoll cat but gained recognition as its own distinctive breed in 1994.

6. Siberian

Weight average:10-20 lbs. (4.54-9.07 kg)

Top 10 Largest Cat Breeds | Pet Parenting (5)

Formally known as the “Siberian forest cat,” the Siberian is a centuries-old cat that evolved naturally in present-day Russia and may be closely related to the Norwegian forest cat. Adult Siberians reach average heights between 9 and 11 inches (22.86 and 27.94 cm). With a coat ranging from medium-long to full-on fluff beast, some Siberians may appear to be even larger due to their fur.

*Fun fact: Luckily for big kitty lovers with allergies, the Siberian is considered one of the mosthypoallergenic catsin the world.

7. Turkish Van

Weight average: 9-20 lbs. ((4.08-9.07 kg)

Top 10 Largest Cat Breeds | Pet Parenting (6)

With a silky coat and dominant white coloring, the Turkish van is often mistaken for the Turkish Angora. However, it is its own distinctive cat breed that hails from the Middle East rather than a specific region of Turkey (where the Angora comes from). Full-grown Turkish vans usually reach heights between 9 and 11 inches (22.9-27.9 cm), helping solidify their status as one of the biggest pet cat breeds.

*Fun fact: In direct contradiction to one of the defining qualities of so many other felines, the Turkish van is often referred to as“the swimming cat”due to its fondness for water.

8. Chausie

Weight average:9-15 lbs. (4.08-6.8 kg)

Top 10 Largest Cat Breeds | Pet Parenting (7)

This cat breed is commonly referred to as a “miniature cougar cat,” and it’s easy to see why. Reaching heights between 14 and 18 inches (35.56 to 45.72 cm), this feline is recognizable for its large, rounded ears, short coat, and deep chest. Chausies are also known for being energetic and playful cats that develop a strong loyalty to their human family members.

*Fun fact: Not recognized as a domestic breed until 1995, the Chausie (chow-see) is believed to come from a hybrid of Ancient Egyptian domestic cats and a type of wild jungle cat.

9. Chartreux

Weight average: 7-17 lbs. (3.18-7.71 kg)

Top 10 Largest Cat Breeds | Pet Parenting (8)

A true stunner with a lush, blue-gray coat and yellow eyes, the Chartreux also turns heads because of its size. In addition to growing between 9.1 and 11 inches (23 to 28 cm) tall on average, the Chartreux sports a muscular build and broad face that makes it appear even bigger. But this kitty is a gentle giant, complete with a tapered muzzle that often appears to be “smiling” at its humans.

*Fun fact: Though a French breed with a pedigree, legend has it that theCharteux originatedas a feral mountain cat in what is now Syria, brought to France by crusaders.

10. British Shorthair

Weight average:7-17 lbs.

Top 10 Largest Cat Breeds | Pet Parenting (9)

At a glance, the British shorthair may appear to be simply the United Kingdom’s version of the American shorthair. But in reality, these are two quite different cat breeds. The British shorthair is noted for its large, rounded face, dense fur coat, and stocky overall build. It’s also recognized as one of the larger kitties of the world, with an average height that sits between 11.8 and 18.1 inches (30-46 cm) tall.

*Fun fact: In 2012, aBritish Shorthair cat named Smokeymade her way into the Guinness Book of World Records with the world’s loudest purr (recorded at an ear-shattering 67.7 decibels!).

Protect your big cat's health

Large cat breeds are healthy overall, but their genetics may still predispose them to certain types of health conditions. Protect your cat's health by keeping up with regular veterinary checkups and signing up for cat insurance.

Not sure if your furry pal is a large cat or just…large? Make an appointment with their veterinarian to have their weight and health assessed. Whether a large or small breed, staying a healthy weight is important for the health and wellbeing of all cats.

Top 10 Largest Cat Breeds | Pet Parenting (2024)


What breed of cat is the largest? ›

Maine Coon

Weighing up to 20 pounds and with big, fluffy coats, they're a lot of cat to love. The Guinness World Record holder for the longest cat was actually a Maine Coon called Barivel, and measured an impressive 3ft 11.2in from head to tail tip.

What is the hardest cat breed to take care of? ›

The 10 Worst Cat Breeds for First-Time Owners
  • Savannah. ...
  • Siamese. ...
  • Egyptian Mau. ...
  • American Wirehair. Image Credit: Khamkhor, Shutterstock. ...
  • Korat. Image Credit: CLAUDIA BE, Pixabay. ...
  • Singapura. Image Credit: jojosmb, Shutterstock. ...
  • Scottish Fold. Image Credit: Sophkins, Pixabay. ...
  • Bengal. Image Credit: 성혁 이 , Pixabay.
Jun 6, 2024

What is the highest maintenance cat breed? ›

There are just 3 cat breeds that need daily grooming: the Birman, Himalayan and Persian. These longhaired cats require daily brushing to prevent tangles and matting, remove dirt and debris and to minimize shedding.

Which cat breed is the most well behaved? ›

If you're looking for a new feline friend, here are some cuddly cat breeds to consider welcoming into your home!
  1. Maine Coon. The Maine coon, nicknamed "America's cat," sits at the top of the friendliest cat breeds list. ...
  2. Siamese. ...
  3. Ragdoll. ...
  4. Abyssinian. ...
  5. Birman. ...
  6. Sphynx.
Apr 28, 2022

What cat breed is bigger than a Maine Coon? ›

Which are the largest Domestic Cats? The Siberian can reach up to 26 pounds, while the Maine Coon is known more for fluff and the length of his long, poofy tail.

What are the 3 biggest cats? ›

RankCommon nameScientific name
1TigerPanthera tigris
2LionPanthera leo
3JaguarPanthera onca
4CougarPuma concolor
7 more rows

Which big cat is the kindest? ›

The white tiger is one of the most friendly big cats. They are very gentle with humans and don't usually attack. They are also very intelligent and love to play with people. They are found in India, Thailand, and parts of China.

What is the cleanest breed of cat? ›

The most low maintenance cat breeds are British Shorthairs and Siamese cats since their short hair means they don't require as much grooming. Sphynx cats are also low maintenance as they have no fur at all and therefore have no need for grooming, although they do require regular baths.

What is the nicest house cat breed? ›

6 Best Breeds for Indoor Cats
  • Burmese. These lively, golden-eyed felines are outgoing athletes who love to show off their athletic skills, provide hours of cuddles, and affectionately chat away at you for hours. ...
  • Ragdoll. ...
  • Himalayan. ...
  • British Shorthair. ...
  • Scottish Fold. ...
  • Devon Rex.
May 12, 2020

What breed of cat loves the longest? ›

Siamese cats live up to 15 years on average, some can reach 20 years old. People love Siamese cats because they are sociable, playful, and entertaining. It is possible to train Siamese cats due to their intelligent nature.

Which cat breed is the sweetest? ›

Ragdoll - the laidback cat

Recognised as one of the friendliest cat breeds, Ragdolls love nothing more than to spend time with their owner even if that means following you around when you're too busy for hugs.

What is the largest crossbreed of cats? ›

The largest hybrid of the cat family (Felidae) is the liger (no scientifc name), which is the offspring of a male lion and a tigress. Ligers typically grow larger than either parent, reaching lengths of 3 m-3.6 m (10-12 ft).

Which is bigger, Maine Coon or Savannah? ›

Maine coon cats are the biggest domesticated cat breed with an average weight of between 10-25 pounds. Maines are bigger in size and appearance as they have a long plush coat with a robust structure. Savannah cats weigh between 10-20 pounds, however, they are taller, slender, and more athletic.

Why are Maine Coon cats so big? ›

These breeds all formed in harsh climates, in which natural selection pressures for similar qualities. Thick, long coats, toe and ear tufts, big bodies, and snowshoe-like big feet, are useful traits in all the harsh climates where these breeds originate from.

What is the lifespan of a Maine Coon cat? ›

A Maine Coon that is in good health (and stays indoors) can typically live for 12 to 15 years. When we consider that the average lifespan of an indoor house cat is 10 to 15 years, it's a relief to see that Maine Coons are right on track!


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