Posted this under the solution linked below for those who don't read the forums:
The For Russ and the Allfather! achievement in Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf worth 96 pointsEarn all achievements.
Seen a few of these before on RPG forums, often on fairly unpopular games where a full walkthrough would be a chore. (Pants, Swinny, Slime I'm talking about you!) so thought I'd do the same. Hope it's useful as the tutorial is woeful. I'll update if more comes to mind.
Main tip - Unlimited PartsThere's a fairly simple way to get the best gear. You must use 'parts' to 'forge' cards or buy packs under the forge tab to unlock new cards and then combine them to upgrade those you have. Epic and Legendary gear stats far exceed others and they can be leveled higher. You need two cards of the same to merge to level up, so you can see at high levels this is a lot. e.g. raising a card 5 levels from1 to 6 would take 32 cards! (And for a card with that capacity, legendary cards at that).
The problem is earning parts is painfully slow through missions and challenges. The good news is the game has a simple glitch for unlimited parts!
- Go into the Forge and select a card you don't need, the rarer (and large stack) the better as you get more parts per dissemble.
- Click to select it
- Click to disassemble them and then quickly click
- You will gain the parts and still have the items
- Repeat until you have as many as you need.
Now your best bang for buck (cards to parts ratio) for legendaries us actually 'simple' forging. If looking for Elite and Legendary it's 'average' however as we have unlimited parts and the animation is long, and cannot be disabled as with the PC version, feel free to jump into 'extreme' forging and boosters.
One note is that you will want to use 'average' until you max all the movement and effort cards as these have lower rarities but are crucial to building your deck and managing effort. You're going to want 1/4 to 1/3 of your deck as these cards. Which will work best depends on your build but teleportion for the terminator tree and the jump pack for power armour are key. Max level supplies also give you a move for 3 effort (never use the suppliers effect, these are cheap movement). Mix in others depending on your build, melee or ranged. Overwatch is fantastic for power armour (get the overwatch equip weapons).
Campaign / Deck tipsTerminator is the easiest option for the Campaign, load up on your best Legendary weapons along with:
- x3 'Effort' -5 cards,
- x10 or so movement cards
- x1 Wolf card (the extra body helps)
- x1 Turret card (again, distraction)
- x2-3 Shield cards (cheap movement when maxed and useful if you have downtime, keep shield up really limits damage)
- x1-2 healing cry cards. [/bullet]
Fill the rest out with your weapons. If you go for equip-able items take only 1 two handed and 1 each one handed and fill out with cheap cards that can refill them (check the symbol in the bottom left of the card portrait). E.g. if you go for a Storm Bolter, rather than putting in 3 other Storm Bolters (a hefty 8-9effort) to refill it, go with bolt pistols for 5 effort. Cheaper to reload and they can be used as cheap move in a pinch. It's also useful to have a few non equip-able types opposite to your build I find. (i.e. a few melee for ranged and vice versa) just so you don't have a dead turn.
Given how important low effort is a Melee build in Terminator Armour works well, oddly this is one of the 'fastest' builds. Low effort move and attacks for high damage, plus your -5 'Effort' cards to keep your turn. An over watch focused Power Armour build works as well. Sniper - wolf scout I'd skip for campaign, but also viable.
EffortA note on effort as the game doesn't explain this too well. The number to the left of your character is their effort score. Heavier weapons use more effort and lower less. Your expended effort decides the turn order. So if you, say, used two assault cannons for 24 total effort you'd need to wait until all those with less take a turn (perhaps 2 or 3 depending on what cards they use!) before yours comes up again.
Managing this is key as if you used two melee weapons for 5 effort each you'd only be at 10 rather than 24. If you can't kill an enemy in one turn with your action points then making sure you finish with less effort than them gives you the next turn and more attacks. I hope you can see how powerful this can make low effort, high damage builds like the Melee Terminator.
An example may make this easier. Your character needs to move into range to attack an enemy with 200HP. They are at 4 effort. Your weapons only do max 160 damage and are 5 Effort each. If you use move (4 effort) and attack (now 9 total effort) even with a hit you leave them with 40HP and they attack you next turn.
If you use max supplies (a move for 3 effort) and attack your are at 8 effort, same result, they attack next turn with 40 HP. If you use use supplies to move and end your turn early (on 3 effort) then you will have the next turn and the enemy will be on 1 effort. You can now make two attacks and kill them!
Even more powerful: If on that turn you only attack once (5 effort) and then use a effort card (max - 5 Effort) you finish on 0 after your attack. you now get another turn. You will then have moved, attacked twice and killed the enemy and still have one action left before they even get a turn, and when they started on a (low) 4 effort!
If you used another -5 Effort card you may get yet another turn before another enemy takes an action.
Your 24 effort character may have killed the enemy, but would still be sitting around at 11-16 Effort, doing nothing.
Other tips:are to move from spawn to spawn and cycle / discard cards to heal and shield yourself before moving on (this isn't possible all missions, like if you are escorting an NPC, but in most), all should have healing and most will have shielding cards.
Restart a mission until you start with the wolf card to get that extra body / distraction early and use it to scout.
Make sure to upgrade your squad mates (crucial, this upgrades their cards and HP!) and Armour in the Squad / armory tabs, these can be easy to miss and, again, the game doesn't explain this. Don't worry, by the end of the game you can max everything however early on focus on only two squad mates and one Armour. (I went with Terminator Armour, Kai and Harald squad mates) - Kai is useful with flamers and Melta in Campaign and Harald is a terminator with hard hitting weapons that should dovetail well with your terminator build.
The deck I mostly ran by the end
Movex3 Vortex Pattern Teleport
x3 Terran Unit Mk2 Teleport
x2 Stun (useful for tough enemies / bosses)
x2 Dragonscale Shield (3 Move, partial utility as well when I needed armour)
x1 Veteran's Shield (4 move, and giving armour to allies on downtime)
x1 Wolf
x1 Lascanon Sentry (+2 effort is nice)
x1 Healing Cry
x3 Effort Cards
x2 Heretics Doom (+10% damage to energy weapons - Sword of Ruse, Axe of Markai, Heimdall's star), equip both, do not need to reload)
x3 Sword of Russ (Main damage, +20% from guns and +10% if enemy is below max health)
x3 Mjalnar (Ignores armor)
x3 Wolfborn's claws (Aoe Useful)
x1 Axe of Morkai (AoE and 6 cost move)
x1 Heimdall's star (Range 2 Melee sometimes useful)