Oneida Discontinued Stainless Steel Cutlery UK Balmoral Julliard Studio (2025)

Click on the photographs to enlarge to full size

Please note that the knife photos below are for identification of the pattern name of your cutlery if you do not know what it is. With the plain handled patterns it can be hard to identify which it is so please email us a photo of one of your knives, forks and dessert spoons and we will do our best to identify the pattern name.

We also stock more pieces i.e. various forks, spoons and serving pieces. If you are 100% sure of the pattern name of your cutlery and wish to receive the current stock list please click on: to request it. We will also send details of how to order pieces in stock and how to pay.

If we should be 'out of stock' of the pieces you need, please let us know which they are along with the quantity needed so we can add your details to our wish list as we very rarely source full sets if a pattern has been discontinued for many years. You will then be emailed when they are back in stock.

Please note that we offer discontinued cutlery as new if we can source it in its original packaging,but if we source it in a 'used' condition we cannot legally sell it as new. We only offer second hand cutlery in very good condition. We do not offer any discontinued cutlery for sale that is damaged or in a bad condition.

To give you confidence to buy from us can I suggest you take a look at the 'Customers' Comments' page of our website. All comments are genuine.
Oneida - Accent (Glossy)

Oneida - Accent (Satin)

Oneida - Aintree

Oneida - Alveston

Oneida -Andorra

Oneida - Aphrodite

Oneida - Apollo

Oneida - Arabesque

Oneida - Aries

Oneida - Artemis

Oneida - Artistic

Oneida - Ascot

Oneida - Athena

Oneida - Athos

Oneida - Bague

Oneida - Ballad Hollow Handle
Solid Handle

Oneida - Ballerina

Oneida - Balmoral Hollow handle
Solid handle

Oneida - Bead

Oneida - Calima

Oneida - Cameo

Oneida - Campden

Oneida - Cantata

Oneida - Capello

Oneida - Capistrano hollow handles
solid handles

Oneida - Cascada

Oneida - Cascade

Oneida - Ceres

Oneida - Chandler

Oneida - Charm

Oneida - Cherbourg

Oneida - Cherish

Oneida - Chess

Oneida - Cirrus

Oneida - Cityscape

Oneida - Classic Shell

Oneida - Crest

Oneida - Danish Fling/Matinee

Oneida - Debonair
Hollow handled knife
Solid handled knife

Oneida - Demeter

Oneida - Denver

Oneida - Derby

Oneida - Donizetti

Oneida - Dubarry Hollow handled knife on left
Solid handled knife on right

Oneida - Duchess

Oneida - Dynamic

Oneida - Easton (Glossy)

Oneida - Epsom

Oneida - Era

Oneida - Essence

Oneida - Fantasia

Oneida - Ferncrest

Oneida - Flight

Oneida - Flourish
Oneida - Frostfire
Oneida - Fusion (Fish Knife depicted)
Oneida - Gatsby aka Anastasia
Oneida - Gemini
Oneida - Georgia
Oneida - Harley
Oneida - Hera
Oneida - Highland Wood
Oneida - Hydra
Oneida - Icarus
Oneida - Ikaria
Oneida - Islet
Oneida - Jesmond - hollow handles
solid handles
Oneida - Julliard
Oneida - Karina/Plantation

Oneida - Kempton
Oneida - Kensington

Oneida - Kings

Oneida - Lasting Rose Hollow Handle
Solid Handle

Oneida - Libra

Oneida - Lyric Top: Hollow Handle
Bottom: Solid Handle

Oneida - Madrid/Bach
same as Sant'Andrea Bach

Oneida - Maestro Top: Solid Handle
Bottom: Hollow Handle

Oneida - Malibu

Oneida - Melissa

Oneida - Mercury

Oneida - Metro

Oneida - Mezzo

Oneida - Mirage

Oneida - Modern Antique

Oneida - Monarch
(same pattern as Sant'Andrea Mozart and Wedgwood Marianne)
Oneida - Morning Rose/Our Rose/
Forever Rose
Oneida - Mozart
Oneida - Nimbus (Matt)
Oneida - Nocturne
Oneida - Oceanic - Solid Handle Knives
Oneida - OlympiaHollow Handle Knives
Solid Handle Knives
Oneida - Omega
Oneida - Orion

Oneida - Paradox
Oneida - Prescott
Oneida - Radius
Oneida - Radius Elite
Oneida - Raffia
Oneida - Revenna
Oneida - Roman (hexagonal handle)
Oneida - Roseanne
Oneida - Samos
Oneida - Sand Dune
Oneida - Saturn
Oneida - Savannah
Oneida - Silhouette
Oneida - Simplicity
Oneida - Strata (Glossy)
Oneida - Symbol
Oneida - Textura
Oneida - Thetis
Oneida - Toltec
Oneida - Tone
Oneida - Tramline
Oneida - Triana
Oneida - Tribute
Oneida - Tuscany/Wagner
Oneida - Unity
Oneida - Unknown1

Oneida - Vanessa Hollow Handle
Solid Handle

Oneida - Venetia (aka Will O' Wisp)
Oneida - Vienna
Oneida - Village Common
Oneida - Winter Song Hollow handled knife
Solid handled knife

Oneida - Woodmere
Oneida - Zante

Site Links

Oneida Discontinued Stainless Steel Cutlery UK Balmoral Julliard Studio (133)

Home Page

Please click on the BROWN headings below to see sample pattern knife images for identification purposes


Amefa Stainless Steel

Arthur Price/John Mason Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel

Cooper Bros Stainless Steel

Denby Stainless Steel

Elkington Stainless Steel

Gense Stainless Steel

George Butler - Stainless Steel

Guy Degrenne Stainless Steel

Habitat Stainless Steel

Housley Stainless Steel

John Lewis/Jonelle Stainless Steel

Noritake Stainless Steel

Old Hall Stainless Steel

Royal Doulton Stainless Steel

Sant'Andrea Stainless Steel

Viners Stainless Steel

Wedgwood Stainless Steel

Miscellaneous Stainless Steel:

Abert,"Bone-handled" Knives, Dalia, Firth, Flower Garden, Glosswood, Hackman, John Rodgers, Jumbo, Letang Remy, Lucky Wood, Mappin & Webb, Monogram, Norstaal, Royal Albert, St.Medard, Sanderson, Villeroy & Boch, Walker & Hall, WMF, Wostenholm


Arthur Price Silver Plate

Oneida CommunityPlate

Various EPNS Makers/Patterns i.e. Arthur Price, Cooper Bros., Elkington, George Butler, Goldsmith & Silversmiths (now Garrards), Hiram Wild, Mappin & Webb, Oneida, Smith Seymour, Viners

Customers' Comments

Direct E-Mail

Frequently Asked Questions

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Oneida Discontinued Stainless Steel Cutlery UK Balmoral Julliard Studio (2025)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

Last Updated:

Views: 5871

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.