myEQUITY - Open An Account (2025)

While myEQUITY works on several browsers and devices, the site is the most compatible with Chrome.


How do I sign on?

To sign in to your account, first you must have an active account at Equity Trust Company and have previously enrolled your account in myEQUITY.

  • From the login screen, enter your username that was set when you registered for myEQUITY.
    • If you do not know your username, click on "Forgot Username"
  • Once you have entered your username, you will enter your password.
    • If you do not know your password, click on "Forgot Passphrase/password "
  • Based on the multi-factor authentication you established; you will receive a code, enter the code into the box.

Quick Tips:

  • Your username and password are case sensitive.
  • As a reminder, your myEQUITY password must be more than 14 characters and is case sensitive.

I am having issues with logging in.

  • If your Username is not being accepted:

    • Your username is case sensitive, please make sure you are correctly typing your username with capital letters. Be sure you are typing the username directly into the username field. Please do not copy and paste your username when logging in.
  • If your Password is correct but is not being accepted:

    • Be sure you are typing the password directly into the password field, please do not copy and paste your password when logging in. If the issue continues, please try logging in using a different browser.
  • If you have locked yourself out of myEQUITY:

    • Your myEQUITY access will remain locked for the next 24 hours. If you need access before that time, please contact us for additional assistance.

My account is locked, what can I do?

If your account has been locked from invalid attempts to login, the account will remain locked for 24 hours. If you need access before the lock expires, please call Equity Trust Company at 1-888-382-4727.

I’m having trouble accessing my account online. What should I do?

If you are experiencing an error within myEQUITY, here are some steps that can be used to resolve common applications issues:

  • Try a different browser.

    • myEQUITY is the most compatible with Chrome. However, myEQUITY is compatible with most browsers, some versions my cause unexpected errors. Trying an alternative browser may resolve the issue being experienced.
    • If you are unable to try an alternative browser, try using an incognito window. Visit: How to go incognito in Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari
  • Clear the cache.

    • Caching is where a website or app stores data on your device to make online processes faster. Clearing the browser’s cache will ensure the stored information is cleared and a fresh connection can be made. Visit: Refresh Your Cache
  • Ensure data entered is accurate; type in the information directly and turn off auto filling.

    • When data is inaccurately entered, an error may result. To ensure that data entered is what is intended, do not copy and paste information from another application. It is also recommended to turn off browser auto filling, as information stored may not have been updated to reflect recent changes. Visit: How to Remove a Saved Password from a Browser

Password Reset

I’ve forgotten my passphrase/password

You are able to reset your passphrase/password online by:

  • From the login screen, click the link; "Click here to reset your passphrase/password".
  • Select Account Owner and click “Next”.
  • Enter your username and Click “Next”.
  • Complete the verification step by entering your code into the text box and click “Submit”.
  • Follow the instructions on the screen to enter your new password.
    • Your myEQUITY password must be more than 14 characters and is case sensitive.
    • When selecting a new password, you are not able to use a prior password.
  • After entering the new password and reentering the new password to confirm, click “Submit".

Once your passphrase/password is updated consider using a Password Manager to help you simply and securely keep track of all of your passphrases/passwords. Visit: List of Password Managers

I’m receiving the following error message when I try to reset my passphrase/password: “We are unable to verify your account information. Please contact us.”

To complete the passphrase/password reset, you will be required to select the type of user profile you have on myEQUITY, enter the required information to verify your username and complete the multi-factor authentication.

Please confirm the details you have entered in each field carefully; it is recommended that you type the data into each field and not copy and paste it from another application.

If you are still receiving this error, please call Equity Trust Company 1-888-382-4727.

What are the passphrase/password guidelines?

myEQUITY requires the below criteria be followed when setting up your passphrase/password:

  • be 14 or more characters
  • Passphrase/password can NOT contain the following special characters ' \ "
  • Additionally, passphrase/password may NOT contain parts of your name, username, or common passwords.
  • Your username and password are case sensitive


My username is not being accepted, how can I confirm I am using the correct one?

To recover the username that you set to log into myEQUITY complete the following steps:

  • From the login screen, click the link "Click here to reset your username".
  • Select Account Owner and click “Next”.
  • Enter your Equity Trust Account Number. This number starts with 200 and is a total of nine numbers.
  • Enter the month, day, and year you were born and click “Next”.
  • Complete the verification step by entering the code into the field on the screen. You will receive the code based on the authentication method you have set-up via text, voice call, or through the Okta Verify or Google Authentication application.

Your username will be presented on the final page. Please capture your username and click the link to go back to the login page.

I’m receiving the following error message when I try to recover my username: “We are unable to verify your account information. Please contact us.”

The information requested to verify you are the owner of the account is very sensitive information and must match the details on file at Equity Trust.

Please confirm the details you have entered in each field carefully; it is recommended that you type the data into each field and not copy and paste it from another application.

If you are still receiving this error, please call Equity Trust Company 1-888-382-4727.

Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

General MFA Troubleshooting

  • You are not receiving the text message or voice call to provide your code.

    • To set-up a new option or to help troubleshoot other text and voice issues, like getting a new phone number, please contact us for additional assistance.
  • You are not receiving the code when using Okta Verify application

    • If you are not receiving the push notification from the Okta Verify application or if after inputting the code you are receiving the message "Verification Code is incorrect", please restart your device and try again.
  • You are not able to generate the code using the Google Authenticator application.

    • If after inputting the code you are receiving the message "Verification Code is incorrect", please restart your device and try again.
  • If you are using the Okta Verify Application or Google Authenticator Application to generate a code and have a new phone:

    • If you have a new phone and still have access to the old device, use the old device to first log into myEQUITY. After logging in, navigate to Profile, Security Information, Select Multi Factor Authentication and follow the steps to set-up the authentication application on the new device. It is helpful to already have Okta Verify or Google Authenticator installed on your new phone.

    • If you have a new phone and no longer have access to the old device; please contact us to speak to a representative to help set up your MFA for your new device.

I have selected to enroll in Text MFA but am not receiving a text with the code. What can I do?

There are service providers and factors outside of Equity Trust’s control that may present issues with receiving text messages to be used within the MFA process. As a result, please make an alternative selection for your Multi-Factor Authentication preference.

Equity Trust strongly encourages you to select another option, like Google Authenticator or Okta Verify App for your MFA selection.

I have access to my current MFA, but would like to update the option.

In order to set-up a new MFA, you first will log into your myEQUITY account. Then go to Profile>Security Information. Select Multi-Factor Authentication. Next follow the steps based on your new option selection to complete the set-up.If you have recently changed your phone number on file at Equity Trust, your MFA will not automatically update. Please be sure to update your MFA within myEQUITY.

I have a new mobile device and am having issues with MFA. What should I do?

In order to set-up your new mobile device with your Multi-Factor Authentication, please call Equity Trust Company at 1-888-382-4727. The current factor will be removed and then you will be able to complete enrollment with your new device.

I deleted my MFA app from my mobile device, what should I do?

To reset your Multi-Factor Authentication, please call Equity Trust Company at 1-888-382-4727. The current factor will be removed and then you will be able to complete enrollment again.

My phone number is not listed to be able to receive a text/call

If you have recently changed your phone number on file at Equity Trust, your MFA will not automatically update. Please be sure to update your MFA within myEQUITY. In order to set-up a new phone number to be used for your Multi-Factor Authentication, please call Equity Trust Company at 1-888-382-4727.

Equity Trust strongly encourages you to select another option, like Google Authenticator or Okta Verify App for your MFA selection.

I am having trouble installing Okta Verify, what resources are available?

To learn more about installing and using Okta Verify, visit this page: Okta Help Center

I am having trouble installing Google Authenticator, what resources are available?

To learn more about installing and using Google Authenticator, visit this page: Google Help for 2-Step Verification


I don’t have a username; how do I register/enroll for myEQUITY?

To enroll in myEQUITY, an active Equity Trust Company account is required. The 9-digit account number would be provided to you in your Welcome Email and Welcome Packet sent to you from Equity Trust.To review additional details about enrollment, click the link: Account Owner Enrollment

To begin the registration/enrollment process click on the link on the login page labeled “Enroll in myEQUITY”.


I received a “500 error page”

If you have received an error page in the middle of the process, this is likely a result of a disconnection from the myEQUITY application. Please refresh your browser page.

Can I give other individuals access to my account within myEQUITY?

Yes, you can provide individuals and financial professional access to your account. Equity Trust Company classifies these individuals into two groups:

  1. Interested Party - Interested Party is a person and/or firm, typically a spousal, family member, or other trust person that you approved to receive information about your account, including copies of quarterly statements or other written, verbal, or electronic communications. Equity cannot accept transaction instructions or account maintenance changes from this individual.
  2. Optional Authorization or Account Designated Representation– Typically identified as an Account Advisor, Broker Dealer, Digital Currency Intermediary, Precious Metals Dealer, or other financial professional that you provide the authorization to give investment directions on your behalf; will have unlimited access to your Account Information; and will receive copies of your Account statements and other correspondence.

These individuals can be listed on your account application or added to an existing account using myEQUITY by going to Profile> Account Relationships. Once listed on your account, these individual can all enroll in myEQUITY to get access to your account information, based on their role, under their own username.

myEQUITY - Open An Account (2025)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.